Add value to Learning and Development

LMS Consulting Services

LMS consulting services from Kintan can help you achieve the best value for your investment

Kintan with its vast experience in eLearning technology offers consulting services to assist our clients in the planning, implementation and ongoing management of their eLearning solution. If your organization is considering the skill deployment of a LMS to drive and support your employee learning activities and development, our LMS consultants can bring significant value in helping to decide the right solution and ensure the success of your LMS implementation.

Kintan offers following services as part of LMS consulting assignment

  • Work with management and L&D team to define clear and measurable goals of LMS implementation
  • Align your business goals with right technology choice – Our consultant can help you identify the right platform which meets your business goals including right features, functionality and performance scalability
  • We can also help customer with program management services during the implementation stage
LMS Consulting - Kintan

LMS Administrative Services

At Kintan, we have vast experience in managing enterprise LMS platform as well as home grown and custom LMS platforms. With our vast experience in eLearning technology industry we can provide a comprehensive LMS support and Administration services in both onsite as well offshore mode.


Count on us for best service and offload your LMS admin burden on Kintan

  • Structuring, maintenance and upkeep of the eLearning content on the LMS
  • Perform day-to-day administration tasks on the learning portal, Alongwith user and course management
  • Perform audits on user records for the ongoing maintenance and cleanliness of the system 
  • Administer and maintain data integrity rules and processes for LMS such as course codes, descriptions etc 
  • Troubleshooting LMS issues
  • Upload videos and update video content library